Wow, I just investigated who exactly owns the IP address. I don't think I'll be investigating any further, here is a clip from the whois search:
"OrgName: DoD Network Information Center "
...yeah, guess I could have picked a better IP address to use as a title for my trip... Oh well...
As far as my status on preparation:
1. I've given up on the oil cooler, I don't think they'll have one available by the time I need it (read: I'll be changing oil everytime I fill up with gas, yes, my gas range > oil range)
2. Turn signals are in the mail
3. New Kenda tires are on, installed exclusively by yours truly.
4. Extra luggage space (from wolfman) is on order.
5. And, probably ill-advised, but I've scheduled a dirt bike weekend at Brushy Mountain next weekend. I expect to sharpen my camping and dirt skills even more, but mainly, I just want to ride :)
Next up will be details on the bike and what I'm taking with me...

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Quick note
OK ESN:0-7385141
Life is good.
Nearest Location: Milford Rd, Charlotte, NC, US
Distance: 0 km(s)
Time:06/07/2008 21:52:27 (US/Eastern),-80.8743&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Who's listening?
I'm stuggling with which audience I should direct my blog entries towards. I have those who know nothing about dirt bikes, those who know a little and those who know far more than I do. Explaining all the details of what went wrong with my bike might bore some of you, but if it takes me all day to fix, I won't have anything else to write about! Time constraints require me to have to pick one and roll with it. So, for those of you who know little to nothing about dirt bikes, I'm sorry.
I plan on simulcasting here and on, and so:
dirt bikes: 3
cagers: 1
Better luck next year, cagers... (what's that? you don't know what a cager is? yes, that's probably you then :), like I said, really sorry, but hope everyone can still enjoy)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Getting closer...
Now into the month of June, things are becoming more real and I feel like I can measure July 4th in hours rather than days. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have any doubts. I do have them, and at this point, it doesn't matter. I've already cut the path, made new contacts from Franklin, NC to Moab, UT and have everyone I know expecting me to go. It's like rolling very fast downhill on a bicycle with no brakes and a huge obstacle in your path. You know you can overcome it, and you know you'll be breaking new personal barriers if successful, but you absolutely have to throw all caution to the wind and just do it, do it like you mean it, and like it. I learned this the hard way while attempting my first double jump on a motorcross track. No half-stepping, or this will be the next picture you'll see:
I don't want see anymore of that, confidence will be required on this trip at all times. To give you an idea of what I do expect to see, I played around with Google Earth and came up with this gem in Colorado:
We won't be in North Carolina anymore! I don't expect that much snow, but you never know, Colorado did receive above normal snowfall this winter... time will tell.